How doth the little busy bee

Improve each shining hour,

And gather honey all the day

From every opening flower

Against Idleness and Mischief

Isaac Watts

Friday, 25 May 2012

The Secretaries

I haven't blogged for a while. I think this maybe because trying to find ways to constantly improve yourself is harder than I thought. Especially when you're practically perfect in every way all ready. I'm 23, I have a lot of improving to-do in many directions, but I'm hoping this will happen naturally….

But, never fear, this is not my retirement from the blog world after 3 attempts. I am purely changing tack and going from an attempt at self-improvement to, well, talking about anything I want. (Selfishness? The process is reversing already).

During these periods of contemplation I may often refer to my gurus on life, my voices of reason and madness and my muses of South West London. Meet The Secretaries. Where I work we have a core group of efficient and dedicated administrators who have formed a friendship based on location, occupation and mutual despair of architects (as well as all being fabulous people). Mostly females, plus two Richards, our gathered opinions are a cornucopia of slightly mad and not always rational thought and we refer to each other for advice on the most challenging of life’s questions. “Should I go on a date with this guy?” “No, he shaves his head, obviously a weirdo!”

Hopefully, through these reflections I will continue to learn a little more about myself and those little improvements I’m still determined to make. You, dear readers, may learn the scary truth about the inner workings of the minds of various twenty-something-year-olds working in Battersea. It’s not all a walk in the park I can tell you.

So join me? Maybe leave a friendly comment? Go on, it’ll be fun.